Sunday, April 18, 2010

Brylie Sarah

I love my little girl. Nothing in the world is better than her sweet little face. She is getting so big. I miss her bein a tiny baby, but I also enjoy the company I have with her now. She is a great talker. She turned two at the end of February and she has been so good at potty training. She still has accidents once in awhile, but she is doing so well! Going pee just clicked with her the week of her 2nd bday! And now she is mastering it all. also with being two I have learned what they mean when the terrible precedes the word twos. She is so stinkin sweet but man can she have an attitude. She is a great little talker. I am not sure there are any words she cant say. She sings songs, and she loves Michael Jackson! She is absolutely adorable. she knows her basic shapes, colors, and she can count to 8 by herself! I am so glad that I work every day to help her learn new things. I think it is paying off. She loves doing makeup and she is the newest member of Phantomfx I think. She loves zombies and she loves santa clause. She is nuts about her Grandpa Ed and Grandma Crissa. She adores Grandma Maggie (as she calls my mom) and any time she talks on a pretend phone she is always talking to her Grandpa Roo (my dad) and asks him for Birthday cake. She is so silly. I absolutely lover her. She is dancing right now in her Princess Belle panties one purple shoe on and holding my Ipod. I get feeling down but when I see that I remember why I am here. She is my best friend. I am so lucky to have her. I look at my body and it's not the same as it was before she was born and boy does that suck, but she is soooo worth it. I am working on it though! But anyway I love love love this little girl.