Saturday, May 29, 2010

I am making stuff! I know I am suprised too!

I have actually been creative! I have been sewing dresses and little rompers and I have been making hairbows, tutus, and this week I even taught myself to crotchet! I am looking forward to making much more stuff and learning new techniques!

I wanted to post some pics of the stuff I have made! I plan to get a site up and also I might start a blog about my sewing stuff too. Just so I can track my progress!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Brylie Sarah

I love my little girl. Nothing in the world is better than her sweet little face. She is getting so big. I miss her bein a tiny baby, but I also enjoy the company I have with her now. She is a great talker. She turned two at the end of February and she has been so good at potty training. She still has accidents once in awhile, but she is doing so well! Going pee just clicked with her the week of her 2nd bday! And now she is mastering it all. also with being two I have learned what they mean when the terrible precedes the word twos. She is so stinkin sweet but man can she have an attitude. She is a great little talker. I am not sure there are any words she cant say. She sings songs, and she loves Michael Jackson! She is absolutely adorable. she knows her basic shapes, colors, and she can count to 8 by herself! I am so glad that I work every day to help her learn new things. I think it is paying off. She loves doing makeup and she is the newest member of Phantomfx I think. She loves zombies and she loves santa clause. She is nuts about her Grandpa Ed and Grandma Crissa. She adores Grandma Maggie (as she calls my mom) and any time she talks on a pretend phone she is always talking to her Grandpa Roo (my dad) and asks him for Birthday cake. She is so silly. I absolutely lover her. She is dancing right now in her Princess Belle panties one purple shoe on and holding my Ipod. I get feeling down but when I see that I remember why I am here. She is my best friend. I am so lucky to have her. I look at my body and it's not the same as it was before she was born and boy does that suck, but she is soooo worth it. I am working on it though! But anyway I love love love this little girl.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

our crazy life!

It has been a really long time since we last posted. I feel really bad, but now that I have the internet at home, we can keep up on it.
Zombie Prom was an extreme success. we had 500 zombies show up and they had a lot of fun. I feel like we are educating people about Juvenile Diabetes, raising money for a cure, and also providing a safe place where people can come have good clean fun and be who they are for a few hours without worrying about how others feel about them. I really feel like this is a good thing and we are so excited to be producing our second annual zombie prom in Aug.
We were invited to come help Russ Adams and Ritual Pictures on a Zombie movie trailor called "light of daigh" yes we did zombie makeup! It has become our specialty I am afraid! LOL! But it is so much fun to be on set and work with great amounts of talent. And we were able to see the Trailor on the big screen! That was cool!
Our next Project is with Rigdeline creative working on a ww2 movie called "Reue" i am really excited to work with James! we are excited because some of the makeup effects we will be doing will be a little bit of a challenge and we look forward to doing it!
Steve is really improving with his airbrushing! He is so talented! I am so proud of him!
Brylie is getting really big! She talks so well and sings Michael Jackson songs! Its so cute! She pretty much potty trained the week of her 2nd Birthday! It just suddenly clicked with her and she pretty much has it down. She is perfect when she is naked. she still has more accidents when I put her in big girl panties but i suppose that will eventually click with her! She has a darling personality! I absolutely love her!
I have my sisters kids all the time now. I love them, but I cant lie, they are very challenging sometimes. I was offered a job with JDRF, but was unable to do it because I promised my sister I would help her. But I do get to be a Mentor for the Ogden Diabetic families, and I am so excited for the opportunity!
I have made some fitness goals! I have a role model that I look up to in the fitness industry from Utah. She is an amazing pole aeriast, she is LDS, and she knows who she is. And her body ROCKS! So my goal is to be more like her! I have never met her, but I have seen her perform live before and someday I hope to have her teach me a thing or two! I am also looking forward to learning more Aerial arts! mostly aerial hoop and silks! I cant wait!
well I have two screamin kids, but I just wanted to say I love my family and am excited to have the opportunities that I have.

Saturday, July 18, 2009


I am learning the thriller dance for our Zombie Prom! I am going to perform it with about twenty other women and it's going to be a pretty awesome performance. I need to come up with a costume for it that looks good! I don't think I will be able to wear a prom dress.
When I practice the dance Brylie gets up and practices with me. She has a zombie walk down, and she purposely stiffens her body cuz that's what mama does! She is soooo cute! I think I am for sure putting her in ballet when she is three.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Our Zombie Prom

We have been spending the last four months planning a Zombie Prom to benefit the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. We have done several "crawls" to gather donations with some of the most amazing Zombies. We raised enough money to rent out the Union Station for the event.
Yesterday was the Cherry Days Parade in North Ogden. We decided that it was a must to get a float in it. So we got a dance group (Julie Moffitts Ballet School ) to perform a piece of Thriller (yes I am a huge Micheal Jackson freak) while they walk in front of the float. We also had a hearse follow us. We had zombies follow our float and collect donations and pass out flyers. But the most amazing part was that Steve after all his hard work got a ribbon for most origional. And we had a ton of people say that ours was their favorite! I am really excited about it. Steve spent all last week working on it. I would have helped, I would have loved to help, but I ended up chasing Brylie around so I was sad I didn't get to help. I love to do set detail for haunts with Steve so it would have been fun. But Steve did a great job!
Tomorrow I will start taking dance classes to learn the Thriller Dance to perform it at the Zombie Prom! I am so excited! I hope Steve likes my costume for the performance!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Our new niece!


Last night at 9:02, my sister gave birth to a 7lb 2oz 19 1/2 inch baby girl named Mckenzie Cristine! both are doing great and the baby has quite a bit of dark hair and is very curious! its fun to be an uncle again, and Trish is just ecstatic to be an aunt again.

She spent so much money on that baby before she even got here! I will post pics when Izm not posting from my phone.

Other then that, me and Trish have been working on the Zombie Prom for juvenile Diabetes still and our parade float is almost together, only thing holding us back from finishing it is the constant rain! I normally don't mind it but.....I HAVE STUFF TO DO!!!!

Tonight we are spending the night up at the cabin and tomorrow probably headed to Bear Lake for a night. we need a break!

More updates to come